Hira Hosen - Ascension Sessions

Womb Oneness Classes & Sharing Circle

Date & Time

Sun, Sep 25 2022 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

(GMT )


Event Details

WOMB ENLIGHTENMENT© Masterclasses ⭕️ Womb Oneness Sharing Circle ⭕️

The ⭕️ Womb Oneness Sharing Circle ⭕️ is a gathering for those who are, will be, or have been participating in one or more of our 3 FEMININE WOMB ENLIGHTENMENT© Masterclasses, where we're journeying together into the Great Mother Wisdom, available below on this webpage.

Both female and male physical bodies have a womb as the seat of their personal power and universal creation. Males have an energetic womb called the ‘HARA’.

The true power of the Goddess has been hidden, suppressed, killed, raped, shamed and made guilty for thousands of years, but history shows that all major religions originate from the ancient practices of womb shamanism. It’s time to return the womb to its original primordial freedom, reclaiming the pristine innocence of our sexual energy in direct connection to the primal Source of Creation.

All classes are 'stand alone' classes, and can be taken together, as a set of 3, or as separate classes, as you wish. You can get the recordings of all 3 classes in both downloadable MP3 form, as well as in video form (without time limit) in the offered ticket options available below on this webpage.

When we embody the Womb Bliss we’re naturally born for, knowing bliss as our true nature, our awareness rises relatively quick into mature abilities to embrace both love and hate, positive and negative, good and bad. When we unplug our sexual energy from the false womb grids, we awaken to our true authentic, inner power, instantly manifesting the new worlds now wishing to be birthed through us.

To participate in the upcoming ⭕️ Womb Oneness Sharing Circle ⭕️ please choose the last option available below on this webpage, called: 'Sharing Circle -Donation Based', where you can choose to join for free, or for any donation you feel comfy with. If you haven't done any of our classes, but you would like to share in the ⭕️ Womb Oneness Sharing Circle ⭕️ please purchase one of the classes before. Here now below follows the description of all 3 classes:

In the first MasterClass we unite the two poles of the feminine which have been separated over time: the 'Light Goddess of White Magic’, accessible through motherly and unconditional love, security, comfort and protection, and the forbidden 'Dark Goddess of Red Magic’, accessible through mystery, eros, initiation and truth. Female Initiates hold the secrets of Creation in their womb through experiencing inner union. In this MasterClass we start by first cutting from the false womb grids through a 'Womb Ceremony' and 'Declaration of Womb Sovereignty'.

Then, we journey into our body to face our core wounds: those blockages standing in our way to realize our infinite potential, fulfilment, abundance, health and happiness. Our explorations continue to unlock and unify the secrets of the Dark and Light Goddesses, by becoming aware of both its gifts and shadow aspects. We’ll finish the guided meditation by activating clear light and diamond light~codes from our womb~Heart~third eye connection.

In the second MasterClass, we create a 3 circled ⭕️ WOMB MANDALA ⭕️ (no physical mandalas), where we're becoming aware of the energies attached to our womb, working through imagery, conscious breath, honest self~reflection on our primary, secondary and hidden relationships, and energetic energy clearing.

The womb opens through right relationship and keeping our boundaries intact. Energies, people and relationships have a connection to our womb, but we may not be aware of these energetic attachments from our past, often including old lovers, deceased people, and even people who wish us no good (!) constantly draining our energy. In this MasterClass, we place our womb in the right relationships through creating a ⭕️ WOMB MANDALA ⭕️ by exploring the 4 directions, discovering our allies and our demons, clearing our womb, and reconnecting us back to our path of truth through creating a new ⭕️ WOMB MANDALA ⭕️

When the womb itself begins to open and blossom through our attention, power, breath and awareness, we start to dialogue with, and listen to, the womb’s voice. The 'Voice of the Womb' is a voice long forgotten, but once connected, it becomes our Inner Guru. This is more than the voice of our intuition; this is the voice of our feminine essence, where we birth and create from, the centre of our unique power. As the womb flowers, it starts to experience circulation of energy within itself, connecting the womb to the Heart. This is accompanied by a fundamental shift of perspective, when we become present to our hidden fears of true expression, core wounds and subtle contractions contained within our womb, our blissful base of power.

In the third MasterClass we first do Sacred Union tantric breathings in our central channel, then turn our womb into a black hole, releasing all pain and suffering from our individual and collective lives, birthing stars and finding answers to what reality we choose to create, and we finish with creating a spiral dance from our womb, supporting our new choices and realities.

Feel free to get the recordings of the 3 classes in both downloadable MP3 form, as in video form (without time limit) in the ticket options here below on this page.


Book directly through PayPal and/or credit card on this current page, where you'll receive an automatic confirmation email with all the info and/or log-in details. If somehow this didn't happen, or if payment is difficult, please contact us directly at:


Please don’t pay through ❌ IDEAL ❌ with PayPal, it takes your money, but we never receive it, which is also the reason why you won't receive an automatic confirmation email :-(

If you prefer payment through credit or debit card (instead of PayPal) you can choose the €22/€44 options through the link here immediately below. Please note that if you're paying the €66 option, just choose the €22 option three times, or the €22 plus €44, as you wish. Please send us an email on this same website in the contact form to confirm your purchase for what MasterClass(es) you wish to have. This link is for Hira's Ride Your Lotus classes in September, but we’ll know it’s you through your message:


If the above options don’t work, due to any reason, maybe the settings of your device or log-in country, or whatever, you can also directly pay your fee through: 


Another option, is that we can offer you these links. Please note that if you're paying the €66 option, just choose the €22 option three times. These links pay for Hira's Ride Your Lotus classes in September, but we’ll know it’s you ;-) Please send us an email on the Tantra of the Heart website in the contact form to confirm your purchase for what MasterClass(es) you wish to have.





Feel free to contact us directly via our website http://tantraoftheheart.com if you wish to go through bank transfers and/or other means of payment.



Hosted by

Hira Hosèn

I'm Hira, welcome :-) This page is all about raising our frequency. Let's coCreate the new light paradigm, embodying and expressing our true frequencies, and having our environment reflect these frequencies back to us.